Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Monday, 30 March 2020
Help for the vulnerable.
South Gloucestershire Community Aid hub has a list of groups working to support the most vulnerable so please pass it on to anyone you think might need help: www.southglos.gov.uk/communityaiddirectory
And please would community groups add their name to the directory by signing up here www.southglos.gov.uk/communityaid
Posted by
5:19 pm
Labels: #localfocus, coronavirus, covid-19, vunerable
Town Council launches COVID-19 Battle Fund.
Are you involved in a group working in our community to tackle COVID isolation? Yate Town Council has found some money it can divert and set up a Battle Fund. Local groups can apply for emergency cash to help their work. Just go to http://www.yatetowncouncil.gov.uk/council-news/covid-19/ for the form and guidelines. Councillors and staff will turn applications around as quickly as they can. This is on top of the £4000 the Town Council has given to the foodbank so far. Town Councillors and the finance officers are working through every item of spending planned, to see what can be postponed to next year and the money freed up for the fight.
If organisations are looking to use some of their club balances to help the fight, either give it direct to the foodbank, or you could give it to the Town Council Battle Fund.
Sunday, 29 March 2020
Help for businesses from South Glos
Some local small businesses have had a letter from Liam Dewsbury at South Glos asking for bank information and linking to a South Glos web form. A resident asked us to check as they thought it might be a scam, but on Sunday (yes S Glos staff are working Sundays in the crisis) the Director of Finance has confirmed this is from S Glos. Make sure you are only inputting your details into the web form on a South Glos official site. If you have any doubts, get in touch with us and we can check.
Posted by
1:06 pm
Labels: #localfocus, coronavirus, covid-19, fraud, scan, small businesses
Saturday, 28 March 2020
Kingsgate Park Wins Award
This is the third year in a row the park has been awarded the highest award.
Posted by
2:25 pm
Labels: #localfocus, award, kingsgate park, outdoor gym
Friday, 27 March 2020
Jubilee way plan to divert it thrown out
In a second victory over developer's plans for Ladden Gardens, Councillors have thrown out plans that would have diverted the Jubilee Way into the main estate road, rather than retaining its direct link from Brimsham park out to the countryside.
The Jubilee way is a 27 mile national trail from Aust to the Cotswold, created in 1985 for the Ramblers Jubilee. Through 43 years of development the Trail has never had to be diverted, developers have always accommodated the trail.... until now.
Right from the masterplan for the development, the line of the Jubilee way had been protected. Developers were told they had to come up with plans that preserved this route.
The developers did protect the LINE of it, but came up with a plan where it would have been sandwiched between walls, and be horrid. Yate Town Councillors objected and said it needed to be kept on the historic line, but properly landscaped, so people could see across to Yate Rocks as they left the park. But some urban design specialists at the council decided it would be far better to divert it to along a hedgerow and then along the main road of the new estate, losing that direct link.
Locals objected. We wanted it properly landscaped on its original path - in line with the master plan. . At a Strategic Planning Committee on 19th, Mike Drew was able to persuade Labour and Lib Dem Councillors there to back the residents. And with the Tories 2 councillors short, that meant Mike won......
But no sooner had the councillors dared to back local residents over officers than the officers announced they would be taking it to a Spatial Planning Committee, with a bigger Tory majority, designed to overrule Strategic Planning Committees who dare to reject officer recommendations.
Posted by
3:21 pm
Labels: #localfocus, jubillee way, Ladden Gardens, rights of way, yate rocks
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Electric Scooters to be trialled on our roads?
Electric scooters get green light to go on Britain's public roads. The government is consulting on detailed rules.
WECA (us and the Bristol area) are one of the pilot areas.
Posted by
3:51 pm
Labels: #localfocus, electric scooter, roads trial
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
MOTs to be extended
Posted by
11:48 am
Labels: #localfocus, cars, coronavirus, covid-19, MOT
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
From today (Tuesday 24 March): - Payments for garden waste renewals and new subscriptions have been suspended. - Collections for garden waste will continue until Friday 27 March. From Monday 30 March they will be stopped so available staff can be redeployed to collect black bin waste and recycling (see below). - All of our Sort It recycling centres have been closed.
From Monday 30 March:
- Black bin, clinical waste and sharps collections will carry on as normal.
- Garden waste bin and sack collections will be suspended until further notice.
- Recycling and food collections will change from weekly to every two weeks and will be on the same day as your black bin.
- Bulky waste collections for large household items will be suspended until further notice.
- Waste and recycling collections from properties with communal bins will carry on as normal (every two weeks).
Posted by
2:07 pm
Labels: #localfocus, covid-19, green bin, recycling, waste
Monday, 23 March 2020
New defibrillators in Yate
Yate Town Council has launched three new defibrillators in our town centre - outside Poole Court, the Armadillo and Sunnyside Lane sports facilities.
More are coming. You can't miss them, as they are bright yellow. Thanks to Yate Councillor Ben Nutland who contributed his Member Allocated Funding to make this happen.
Posted by
2:51 pm
Labels: #localfocus, armadillo, ben nutland, defibrillator, health, poole court, sunnyside, yate
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Brimsham Park street clean
Thanks to everyone who joined the Brimsham Street clean last Sunday 15th (before social distancing). There will be more in April, COVID permitting
Here are just a couple of the photos.
Posted by
3:04 pm
Labels: #localfocus, brimsham park, spring clean, spring_clean, yate parish
Saturday, 21 March 2020
Their work is going to be more vital than ever as people are laid off or lose jobs, or vital overtime.
Posted by
3:11 pm
Labels: #localfocus, corona battle fund, covid-19, foodbank
concessionary bus times extended
Posted by
12:21 pm
Labels: #localfocus, bus passes, coronavirus, covid-19, elderly, elderly shopping, free bus travel
Friday, 20 March 2020
Lib Dem Focus Team get plans for play are behind Meadow Mead thrown out
After months of controversy which saw residents of Meadow Mead in Brimsham Park pitted against developers, residents have won round one of their fight to stop a 'pavilion' aerial cableway and spiders web by their houses.
![]() |
the 'pavilion' developers want to put right behind houses |
Developers want to put in a 'pavilion' that has open ends, lovely foothold style footholds and a flat roof, 3.15m high made of wood, within 25m of houses - ideal for climbing into - and an aerial cableway, spiders web and other big play equipment. As Adrian Rush commented, the chances are it will get burn down
The local Lib Dem Focus Team Councillors alerted residents, and the Friends of Brimsham Park.
Residents and Friends put in objections. So did the Town Council. But South Glos officials pushed those objections aside, and said the proposal was okay and would grant consent.
As the only way to try to stop this Mike Drew as local ward councillor got the application referred to a special Committee of Councillors - the Strategic Sites Committee.
But then COVID-19 hit.
Residents had planned to turn up in force - but with COVID-19 and the fact a great many were in vulnerable categories or priority jobs, they couldn't. They wrote to the Chief Exec and Leader of the Council pleading for them to delay the meeting of the committee. Mike backed residents. The Focus Team wrote to the directors of Barretts' (the applicants) asking for them to get it deferred. Residents rightly felt they were being denied their right to be heard. All to no avail.
South Glos insisted on going ahead.
But when it came to it, although all the Labour and Lib Dem members of the committee turned up to do their duty (or sent a substitute), only 3 of the 5 Tories turned up. So, they were willing to force residents to go to speak up for their street but not turn up themselves!
So Chris Willmore went on behalf of the residents and explained why residents were so upset.
The Officers were still insisting the scheme should go ahead, despite its impact on residents, despite the fact it was contrary to the development master plan. Mike Drew commented "When we as a community want to improve things in the new development we are told we can't as the master plan is sacrosanct. But when developers want to depart from the master plan that seems ok to officers."
BUT THEN A MIRACLE HAPPENED .Residents had resigned themselves to losing. Tory members of the Committee always back the officers and they have a majority. Normally. But they were two down. Labour and Lib Dem Councillors on the Committee voted to back the residents. The plan was thrown out.
Chris commented "It was utterly unacceptable to force people like me to choose between our health and our democratic duty to residents. As their local councillor I felt I had to take the risk and go. I am just incredibly grateful to the Lib Dem and Labour Councillors on the committee, who also put the democratic process first, turned up and listened to local residents. Sharing the news with them last night was the first piece of goodnews they'd had for a while"
The victory might be short lived though - as the officers, as soon as the votes were counted, announced they will be taking it to a body called the Spatial Planning Committee, which has a bigger Tory majority and is designed to overturn decisions where members have dared to go against officer recommendations. So we have won round one, but may still lose. Unless officers and developers see sense in the meantime.
Posted by
2:50 pm
Labels: #localfocus, brimsham park, Ladden Gardens, Meadow Mead, play areas
Thursday, 19 March 2020
First Bus announce SATURDAY Timetable from Monday 23rd
First Bus are switching to Saturday timetables from Monday
Yate Town Council and COVID19

Posted by
2:44 pm
Labels: #localfocus, armadillo, coronavirus, heritage centre, yate town council
volunteers wanted
Posted by
11:38 am
Labels: #localfocus, coronavirus, covid-19
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Fresh air and mental wellbeing.
Posted by
2:36 pm
Labels: #localfocus, coronavirus, wapley bushes, yate common
POWER FROM THE PEOPLE - the first Yate poo bus
Posted by
9:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, bus, first, poo bus
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Coronavirus and door handles
Apart from using soap and HOT water to wash your hands frequently, the virus can live on metal surfaces like door handles for a while (expert views differ about the exact time, but long enough for you to pick it up.
Do you need to use your hand to open the door?
Wash your hands frequently (and wash door knobs frequently in public places)
Posted by
9:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, coronavirus
Monday, 16 March 2020
Welcome Yate's first POO bus: POWER FROM PEOPLE
Our first local poo bus is being launched here 3pm, Yate Bus Station today Monday 16th. All welcome.
The biomethane fuel is being produced at the Avonmouth Sewage Works - so your poo could be fuelling the bus!!
(The title power from people was first used about Avonmouth back in the 1980s, when our very own Paul Hulbert was involved in connecting an electricity generating plant at the sewage works using methane to the mains. The evening post headline at the time was Power FROM the people. )
In technical terms, the fuel is no better for the climate than a modern high standard diesel bus - BUT it is miles better for the environment overall, because it cuts out delivery tankers and all the CO2 emissions in getting the diesel frm the well through processing to the bus. This is simply captured and pumped locally.
Posted by
9:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, buses, poo bus
Sunday, 15 March 2020
Corona 3: pedestrian crossings
Remember - a new cough or a fever - stay home and self isolate for 7 days.
Think about elderly neighbours
Here is an NHS advice video this time on using pedestrian crossings!
But don't forget proper hand washing is key.
Every small thing we do can help.
Posted by
10:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, coronavirus, health, pedestrian crossing
Saturday, 14 March 2020
Sunday 3pm help clean up Brimsham Park area: Reminder
A reminder, that Sunday 3pm residents are going out to clear footpaths around the Brimsham Park estate - meet at the play area in the park. Bring your gloves, but bags and litter pickers will be provided.
Posted by
9:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, brimsham park, litter pick, spring clean, spring_clean
Friday, 13 March 2020
Zero Tolerance - Graffiti Busting
There are more reports to follow from the packed public meeting last night in Yate with the police - who spent over 2 hours listening to residents and councillors from the Focus Team - and working with us to tackle some of our current local problems.
Amongst other issues, Alan Monaghan reported back on the new FREE graffiti service in Yate. Thanks to Alan and the Focus Team's initiative, the Town Council now provide a FREE graffiiti removal service to households living in Yate. To register to get graffiti removed call the town council on 01454 866506.
Posted by
9:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, graffiti, graffiti busters, graffiti removal service
Thursday, 12 March 2020
Cash and coronavirus spread.
Can you avoid using cash? This NHS video gives advice on using cash machines to get money out - think how many people have touched those keys in the past few hours.
Official agencies are asking people to think about using contactless cards rather than cash. Cash is a really good way of spreading germs. Contactless card's aren't perfect, but official advice is to think about using contactless rather than cash. You will see places like the Leisure Centre now have signs up saying - please use contactless rather than cash.
Every little helps in containing the spread.
Posted by
2:59 pm
Labels: #localfocus, ATM, cash, coronavirus, health
Wednesday, 11 March 2020
A38 road closures
A little further afield than usual, but a number of readers use the A38 - so here's a warning of closures overnight on a section between where the B4427 (Latteridge Road) joins the A38 and the turning into Thornbury.
Here is the Council statement:
Posted by
11:51 am
Labels: #localfocus, A38, road closure, road repairs
Church Road Pothole update
Posted by
11:36 am
Labels: #localfocus, church road, potholes, road repairs, roads
SUCCESS - Come and launch our first local Biomethane bus
A brand new fleet of 13 biomethane buses is being launched. Come along if you can on Monday 16th March at 3pm at Yate Bus Station or 4pm a Chipping Sodbury High Street to see one and take a first ride. It will be used on the Y1 service from Chipping Sodbury to Bristol.
A bus does c250 miles to a tank and its emissions are reduced by 85%. They are also more comfortable, have USB charging points and much better disabled access.
Now we need to get the Wellington Rd service back.
(Photo from Focus Sept 2019 reporting the story! and below the Focus Team with First Bus managers at Yate Bus station)
Posted by
9:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, biomethane, bus, buses, climate change, climate crisis, climate emergency, poo bus
TONIGHT - meet the police
With serious assaults, late night high speed car racing, vandalism a lot of residents have been raising issues about policing. YOU can raise your concerns directly with the police at the Yate Dodington Community Engagement Forum . TONIGHT
ANYONE can attend, no need to register in advance.
Your Councillors will be there as well as the police, so it is a good place to sort out what can be done to tackle the problems we are facing locally. You can also find out more about the Town Council Free Graffiti Removal service there.
(It's the middle one of the three community buildings on the south side of Station Road just before Eggshill Lane/ the small Tesco).
You can find out what the police think the local crimes are by looking at their crime map at:
If it's not there, then someone has not reported it.
And the same site tells you what their current priorities are for Yate and Dodington - these change as a direct result of the Community Engagement Forum.
Posted by
9:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, crime, police, speeding, vandalism
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Coronavirus advice 1: handwashing
Posted by
1:39 pm
Labels: #localfocus, coronavirus, handwash, health
Go wild at Abbotswood
Have you tried out the new play area at Abbotswood?
Climb spiderwebs, check into the bug hotel, share stories of great adventures a the stone compass and take a ride on larger than life creatures.
Focus Team members of Yate Town Council and the Town Council officers raised the funds (from s.106 monies) and designed the scheme working with residents and Abbotswood Action Group. The photo shows the Mayor of Yate, local councillors for Abbotswood Tony Davis and Cheryl Kirby and other Councillors who ran the project.
Phase 2 starts this week, to lay new paving and seating.
Posted by
10:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, abbotswood, play, play areas, play_areas
Monday, 9 March 2020
Join other residents to Spring Clean 15th March
The first of a number of posts advertising spring clean events around town - helping clean up our town.
Timewise the first one is Brimsham Park / Ladden Gardens, Sun15th March Meet 3pm by the gate to the play area in the park. Yate Pilgrim Group is organising it. The town council are lending pickers and recycling bags. Come along and lend a hand or two.
We've got more to advertise in the next couple of weeks. If you're holding one and want more publicity, then please tell us chriswillmore@blueyonder.co.uk.
Posted by
2:33 pm
Labels: #localfocus, brimsham park, Ladden Gardens, litter pick, spring_clean
Sunday, 8 March 2020
Job Vacancy cleaning up Yate
Posted by
2:29 pm
Labels: #localfocus, cleaner, job, vacancy, yate town council
Reminder A432 closed through Old Sodbury 16 March - 4 April 8pm - 6 am
The whole section of the A432 from the bend at the eastern end of Old Sodbury up to the Cross Hands lights is going to be closed from 16 March - 4 April each evening from 8pm until 6am. There will be a lot of noise. There will be diversions, but best to steer well clear!
Posted by
10:00 am
Labels: #localfocus, #travelnews, old sodbury, road closure, roadworks
Saturday, 7 March 2020
Come and tell the police about current problems 11 March 7pm
ANYONE can attend, no need to register in advance.
Your Councillors will be there as well as the police, so it is a good place to sort out what can be done to tackle the problems we are facing locally. You can also find out more about the Town Council Free Graffiti Removal service there.
(It's the middle one of the three community buildings on the south side of Station Road just before Eggshill Lane/ the small Tesco).
You can find out what the police think the local crimes are by looking at their crime map at:
If it's not there, then someone has not reported it.
And the same site tells you what their current priorities are for Yate and Dodington - these change as a direct result of the Community Engagement Forum.
Friday, 6 March 2020
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Miss Millie's gets go ahead to open in Yate
Miss Millie's today got the green light from South Gloucestershire Licensing Committee to open in Yate until 1.30am 7 nights a week.
The Town Council supported the principle, Chris Willmore on behalf of the Town Council told the Licensing Committee - we know residents have been looking forward to this.
But there is always a but - residents and the Town Council argued strongly against Miss Millie's proposed 1.30 am closing time. Everywhere else in town is shut by 12 on weekdays - even if they open later at weekends. So this extends the time people will finally disperse and go home by 1.5 hours. It is likely to lead to other places deciding to open until 1.30am seven days a week. The Town Council and residents argued Miss Millie's should have the same closing times as other places in town.
Miss Millies will be in what was Hotcha on the corner of North Walk and North Parade.
Posted by
7:30 am
Labels: #localfocus, north parade, restaurant, take away, takeaway, yate town centre
Wednesday, 4 March 2020
Council agrees to investigate flooding at Morrisons to Armadillo crossing
Some news. Earlier this week we blogged about flooding in the MIU car park. One resident asked Focus for an update on the terrible problems with flooding at the pedestrian lights from Morrisons to the Armadillo.
Waiting at Morrisons to cross when it has been raining you get soaked by passing cars and then often the pool of water is so deep it gets into people's shoes as they try to cross.
This has been going on for years -and the Focus Team have raised it any number of times with officials. South Glos has had various attempts to find the cause (it is not anything obvious and seems to date back to when Morrisons was part of Newman's factory and where the water went then - as one effort to solve it concluded all the water just goes into a soak away under Morrison's car park so when the water table is high it just sits there with nowhere to go!!)
But today we got a response from South Glos, which for the first time recognised how serious the problem is. They've run out of simple solutions - the next investigation will involve closing the road for two days whilst they dig up quite a big area and try to track what is going on.
S Glos say:
"As you have said it’s an issue that has been on-going on for some time now. We have tried to resolve this issue in the past and have recently utilised a lane closure in an attempt to determine the issue without much success.
Posted by
11:04 am
Labels: #localfocus, armadillo, flooding, morrisons, pedestrian lights, station road
Tuesday, 3 March 2020
Posted by
1:13 pm
Labels: #localfocus, abbotswood, abbotswood action, brimsham green, brimsham park, St Nix, youth club, youth work
M4 closures from M32 to M5 2 March - 25 April
Posted by
7:30 am
Labels: #localfocus, #travelnews, m32, m4, M5, motorway, roadworks
Monday, 2 March 2020
flooded MIU car park
We are lucky that so far the flood detention measures on the Frome through Sodbury and Yate have done just enough to keep it out of homes here. Back in November the Environment Agency was planning to demonstrate their plans for holding back the flood water to the East of St John's way to give our town more protection. They had to cancel it on the day as staff had travelled north to help with the November floods. And since then it has been non stop for them tackling problems. They will demonstrate their plans for our area as soon as they get a moment. Meanwhile, thanks to all of them for all their work.
Posted by
1:23 pm
Labels: #localfocus, carpark, flooding, miu, shoppingcentre