Abbotswood Autumn Apple Day on Saturday 3 October
- Apple juicing – bring your own empty bottle. Apples for juicing warmly welcome!
- Free refreshments
- Bouncy castle and giant outdoor games
- Willow weaving
- Apple bobbing and jam making
- Baby toddler foot printing!
- Hedgehog Rescue
- Bunting workshop
- Creative activities with Make it Mentoring
- Green Community Transport and information about a wide range of local groups
- Music from the U3A Ukulele band and other music acts
DR BIKE will also be attending the event so bring along your bikes for a free service by a bike mechanic (poster attached)
FAMILY DOG SHOW - Organised by Abbotswood Vets.
BOCCIA – have a go at this popular Paralympic sport which is a form of indoor bowls. Suitable for all ages and accessible for all.
Come along and enjoy the day with Abbotswood Action Group, Jacobs Well and the other volunteers - please spread the word among your family, friends and neighbours!