Friday, 16 September 2011

Beware unsolicited phone calls from "Microsoft" - they're a scam

One of our readers reports receiving phone calls from "Alternate Windows Tech Support" or "Microsoft Computer Support". We've had a call too, but cut them off. Our reader went along with one of the calls to see what would happen.

The foreign-sounding caller asked them to carry out several "tests" on their PC, and when the PC brought up quite normal results, they said it was evidence that it was infested with viruses. Then they asked our reader to open up Remote Access so that they could control the PC and "cure" it (potentially downloading confidential data from the machine)

At this stage our reader stopped the call, but according to this article from the Guardian they then go on to ask for an appreciable sum of money to deal with the so-called "viruses"

It's suspected that they are targeting names from the phone directory, so it's quite possible that they may contact other local people.

As Microsoft themeselves say, "We do not send unsolicited email messages or make unsolicited phone calls to request personal or financial information or fix your computer. If you receive an unsolicited email message or phone call that purports to be from Microsoft and requests that you send personal information or click links, delete the message or hang up the phone"

Don't get caught out - these callers are after your money.


  1. Anonymous2:44 am

    report these scammers to! let's see where their tricks are gonna take them!

  2. Unfortunately Callcenter is an American organisation, so probably not relevant in the UK.
