Thursday, 14 June 2007

Rodford Way / Harescombe mast proposal - consultation has closed

Time's up for sending in comments about the proposed mobile phone mast at Rodford Way / Harescombe. You can see the comments here on the South Glos website. Scroll down and click on individual submissions to see the actual emails or letters.

Most people talked about the look of the mast, how close it is to the existing one, and their concerns about possible health implications. Dodington Parish Council and Yate Town Council have both objected strongly, trying to pick "3"'s application apart in terms of the planning legislation.

We now have to see what South Glos Planning Dept make of the comments, all of which were against the mast. Will they be brave enough to refuse the site, and risk another government enquiry?


  1. Thanks - I'll take a look at the news widget.

  2. I checked out the news widget. Unfortunately the stories it produced for my keywords tended to be very American, rather than local. I've added links to the local papers in the sidebar instead.
