A few months ago South Glos refused permission for a mobile phone mast on Scott Way, near Merlin Way. Yate Town Council objected, Dodington Parish Council objected – but mobile phone company Hutchinson 3G have decided to appeal against the decision.
Unless there is overwhelming evidence, they’ll probably get permission from the government’s inspector. Here’s what the mast could look like (artist’s impression) –

The mast would be 15 metres high – that’s three times the height of the trees, and nearly twice the height of the lamp posts. It’s called a “slimline monopole” but it will still be twice as thick as the lamps.
You can send your own comments to the Inspector – after all, more than 90 people signed a petition against this mast. If they all commented, the Inspector might decide against the mast.
What can I do about it?
First, you can write in or comment online (see below)
Second, you can add your name to Steve Webb’s petition to get the law changed
- click here, look for "Mast Madness", and click on "Sign our petition"
How do I write in to comment?
Write to The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3/18b, Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN
You should give your name and address and say that you are writing to comment on:
Appeal Ref: APP/P0119/A/07/2041713
Appeal by: Hutchison 3G UK Ltd
Appeal Site: Land off Scott Way, Yate, BRISTOL BS37 4EX
Say ‘I am against the appeal proposals’ (that's if you do want to object)
Then give your comments.
What could I say?
Here are some possible ideas – but don’t just copy them, write your own comments. That way they get taken more notice of.
The mast would be detrimental to the appearance of the surrounding area
Excessive height in a residential area
Colour should be chosen by people living near the site
No proven need, signal is fine
Cumulative effect of so many masts on the urban landscape – new mast just down the road in Rodford Way
Health concerns – beam of greatest intensity falls on part of Raysfield School, despite the distance this is undesirable under the precautionary principle mentioned by the Stewart Report
Hutchinson did NOT supply full details when lodging the appeal, only outline – their full case has not yet been made public, which is unfair to objectors
The map reference given for one of the alternatives considered is in North Yate, nowhere near the site
How can I comment online?
There are two ways to do this:
1. The official way
Go to http://www.pcs.planningportal.gov.uk/pcsportal/casesearch.asp
Type Scott Way in the street, and click Search for Cases
When the search results are returned, click on Case Reference APP/P0119/A/07/2041713
Scroll down, and under Documents click where it says
"Click here to view the documents for this case, and to access facilities to Comment"
Then click "Comment on this case"
And fill in the form – give your name and address, say ‘I am against the appeal proposals’ and then give your comments.
2. The quick way
Click here to send your comment direct to the Planning Inspectorate.
Then fill in the form – give your name and address, say ‘I am against the appeal proposals’ and then give your comments.
Useful links:
Helpful guidelines from the Planning Portal
Advice notes on electronic submissions
More advice from the Planning Inspectorate