Sunday 19 July 2020

Tories grab control over whether planning applications even go to a planning committee.

After the fiasco of residents not being allowed to speak at the planning committee meetings discussing Rockwood and the play area behind Meadow Mead - there is one bit of good news.
We made a huge fuss and S Glos has finally agree to restore the right for residents to speak at committee on line. Something most other councils found no difficulty in keeping when they switched to digital meetings, but S Glos said they couldn't.
But at the same time they have TAKEN AWAY the right of local councillors to refer planning applications to committee. At present as long as three local members want it referred, they have a right to take it to committee for a decision - so when officers are going against what residents want, local councillors can force it to committee so residents can speak and hope to persuade the committee. But now, the Chair of the Planning Committee is going to be given the power to decide whether that is allowed.
The Chair is not local, and on past form does not listen to residents. The Tories have imposed this new system, where they control what goes to committee and what is pushed through irrespective of local views. We will monitor carefully, and keep residents posted. Your Lib Dem local councillors will continue to try to get a fair hearing for residents when officers are not backing resident

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